Friday, April 30, 2010

Ho12 Monthly #2 coming soon.

Sorry folks, but my aforementioned vacation threw a wooden shoe into my comic making schedule so I'm a little behind on House of Twelve Monthly #2. My bad, please accept my sincere apologies. Give me a week or so and we'll be back on track.

Issue 2 features new work from K. Thor Jensen, Kate Lacour, Victor 'Bald Eagles' Cayro and of course, Cheese. Here's a peek from my story, Richard Sharver and The Hollow Earth!

It's been a while since I've worked in color, I gotta admit, I'm having a blast coloring this stuff. I am a wacom addict.

Monday, April 12, 2010


Team 12 Shogun and all-around sweet dude, Cheese, poses with a fan in Kobe, Japan.

It's been a busy couple of weeks around Chateau le Twelve, I got engaged while on vacation in Japan, House of Twelve Monthly was released on April 1st and got at least one decent review so far (link), House of Twelve #5: Touching Children's Stories came in second for anthology of the year on (Miss and Frank are also mentioned in other parts of the 'best of' list, check out the whole thing), on top of all that we went to MoCCA and there's the delayed April Ho12 Comic Jam this week! I fucking wiped just thinking about it!

So, the jam: Same Cheese time, Same Cheese Channel — Come on out and see the free range cartooning! Bring your pencils!

The Ho12 Comic Jam
April 15th, 2010 - 7 pm

Jack Demsey's Pub
36 West 33rd St.